Round Table
Disrupted Perceptions in Landscape Architecture 10.12.2020
Disrupted Perceptions in Landscape Architecture
La próxima Lecture organizada por el MBlandarch-ETSAB-UPC en colaboración con la Diputación de Barcelona, que se llevará a cabo en formato on line el próximo jueves 10 de Diciembre a las 19:00hr, donde tendremos la oportunidad de contar con las siguientes ponentes:_Maria Hellström Reimer, Professor in Design in Theory and Practice at Malmö University,
School of Arts and CommunicationMaria Hellström is professor in Design in Theory and Practice at Malmö University, School of Arts and Communication (and from Jan 1st scientific advisor in artistic research at the Swedish Research Council). Trained as an artist with significant professional experience, Hellström Reimer holds a PhD and Readership (Docent) in landscape architecture with a specialization in theoretical and applied aesthetics. Her research is interdisciplinary concerning the aesthetics and politics of art and design broadly speaking, including questions of criticality, methodological experimentation and social change. Over the last two decades she has conducted artistic, practice-based and conceptual design research, and recent writings include articles in Journal of Landscape Architecture, Leonardo, Architecture and Culture, and Journal of Design Strategies, and in the edited volumes Rethinking the Social in Architecture (Actar 2018) and Deleuze and the City (Edinburgh University Press 2016). Hellström Reimer is the former Director of D!, the national PhD school in design, and a she has been affiliated with several arts&design research environments in Europe and the US, most recently as visiting professor at the Department of Landscape Architecture at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (2019); at the Transdisciplinary Design Department at Parsons The New School of Design, New York, NY (2014), and at the Département d’Arts Plastiques, Université de Paris 8 at Vincennes-Saint-Denis (2013)
_Kristina Hill, Professor of Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning and
Urban design at the University of California, BerkeleyKristina Hil is an Associate Professor at the University of California in Berkeley, where she teaches environmental planning and urban design. Her research investigates adaptation to climate change using comparative international examples. Kristina specializes in understanding how rising coastal groundwater will affect adaptation strategies. Her proposals integrate financing and design strategies, water quality concerns, and environmental justice. Her current focus is on the San Francisco Bay Area. Kristina has also worked with diverse local and international organizations to develop proposals for New Orleans, Seattle, Virginia Beach and the South Bronx. Her research is published in both scientific and professional journals, and she lectures internationally on infrastructure and adaptation. Kristina received her policy education as the head of a public agency in Seattle tasked with building a $2 billion-dollar project, where she learned valuable lessons about infrastructure, public finance, crisis management, and American politics. Her PhD is from Harvard University, with previous degrees in geology and landscape planning. She co-authored Ecology and Design: Frameworks for Learning (Island Press, 2002), and is now working on a book about coastal adaptation to climate change.
La presentación consistirá en una reflexión desde la teoría del diseño y la arquitectura del paisaje y su posicionamiento frente a escenarios disruptivos creados por perturbaciones naturales u otras experiencias abruptas que la sociedad tiene que afrontar cada vez con mayor frecuencia.
La sesión consistirá en una presentación breve (15-20 min) de cada ponente y una posterior mesa redonda moderada por la profesora Pepa Morán así como un turno de preguntas abierta al público.