SIIU 2023 LISBOA. XV XV Research Seminar on Urbanism

Jun 02, 2023

14 and 15 June | Faculty of Architecture (Lisbon)




On June 14 and 15, the XV Research Seminar on Urbanism will be held at the Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa.





On June 14, in the CUBO of the FAUL, we will have the presence of:


11h30 | Andreia Garcia who will present the project "Fertile Futures", Portuguese Representation at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia 2023, recently inaugurated.


14h00 | Saskia Sassen and Markus Bader Raumlanborberlin who will present their visions of the city.


You will find here all the detailed information and the program of the event.