SEMINAR. Movilidad en movimiento

Nov 14, 2022

11·17·2022 2.30 p.m Sala de Juntas, ETSAV


Next November 17 from 2:30 p.m to 5:30 p.m the seminar "MOBILITY IN MOTION. Beyond the transport, adress mobility as a polyhedral social issue, for the renewal of the urban and territorial project" by the Grup de Recerca d´Urbanisme (GRU), in the Sala de Juntas, ETSAV - UPC (Sant Cugat del Vallès).

The follow-up of the seminar can be done online through the link:

The Seminar will count on the contributions of the studies, analyses, projects of the participants. Each of them will have 5´-8´min for the intervention.


- Presentation of the Seminar 
  • Prof. Carles Llop


- General introduction
  • Pascal Amphoux, Mireille Apel Muller


- Framework paper

  • Jean Pierre Orfeuil

"La mobilité n’est pas qu’une question de transport"


  • Miquel Martí

"Hubs del transport autònom - Projecte Barcelona Mobility House"
  • João Rafael Santos

  • João Leite
"Arquitectures infraestrcturals, concretament un projecte docent sobre la transformació de l'A5 (autopista urbana Lisboa-Cascais)".
  • André Lopes

"Projecte MASTI - Mobility as a Service and Socio-Spatial Inequalities [FCT Project] "



  • Inés Aquilué
"Mobilitat urbana / Urbanisme tàctic - Projecte Furnish"
  • Lara Espindola
"Nodes d'intercanvi modal de la mobilitat compartida - Projecte Smarthubs "
  • Joan Moreno
"Mobilitat urbana / Logística autònoma i espai públic - Projecte Logismile"



  • Pukar Shrestha
"Inter-modality hubs in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona: A comparison between the metropolitan and the local scale in a GIS tool to support urban planning decisions"
  • Nishad Malik
"Impact of transforming public spaces on the adoption of sustainable modes of transportation"
  • Laura Badia Giménez
"An accessibility assessment of three housing states in Barcelona's Metropolitan Area tackling the 15- minute city concept"



  • Ander Gortázar
"Metodologías computacionales para movilidades futuras"
  • Gerard Martínez Görbig
"De la infraestructura gris a la "via metabòlica": potenciales para la regeneración territorial a partir de la movilidad interurbana en el ámbito del Garraf"
  • Stefano Coretellaro, Melisa Pesoa
"Projecte de recuperació de la xarxa de camins del Pla de Vila a Eivïssa"
  • Carles Llop, Pablo García
"Les Hyperlieux mobiles, une solution face à la crise. Apporter services aux territoires de précarité et la dispersion."