SEMINAR. Barcelona Ciutat Fràgil

Oct 27, 2022

10·28·2022 9.30 a.m Sala Mirador, COAC

SEMINAR. Barcelona Fragile City.

The next day, October 28 from 9.30a.m to 7 p.m., the seminar "BARCELONA CIUTAT FRÀGIL" will take place at the direction of the Architecture, City and Culture coordinator research team at the Sala Mirador at the Col.legi d´Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC), Barcelona.

The seminar will include the contributions of the studies of more than two years in the conceptualization and abstraction of urban fragility, identifying possible forms of representation and occupation of the space from the emotional. relational and material dimension. With the aim of continuing to investigate the concept of fragility, the project Barcelona Ciutat Fràgil proposes, an exploration of condition of urban fragility during the COVID-19 pandemic, associating the spatial dimension of the city with the impact of social realitiesvisible but that can be decisive for the city of the future.


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We encourage to attend it!