ROUND TABLE CCS-BCN.La regeneración de la ciudad a través de sus barrios

Oct 26, 2022

From 19th October to 10th May, 6.00 p.m | COAC


As part of the start of activities of the Study Laboratory and Proposals for Integrating Actions for Self-produced Neighborhoods in Caracas, a series of Barcelona-Caracas Dialogues will be held to assess the state of the art in terms of urban actions of self-produced spaces in Latin American cities and in particular the Venezuelans. The event is made up of four sessions to be held throughout the last quarter of 2022 and another four sessions during the first quarter of 2023. In addition to a closing session that will be held at the end of each cycle as a conclusion of the issues raised.

October 19, 12:00pm CCS | 6:00pm BCN 

Session 1 Integration of neighborhoods in the city through urban and territorial planning.

October 26, 12:00pm CCS | 6:00pm BCN

Session 2 Governance  of neighborhood integration processes. 

November 2,  12:00pm CCS | 6:00pm BCN

Session 3 Urban security and the management of urban legality in neighborhoods.

November 9,  12:00pm CCS | 6:00pm BCN

Session 4 An intergrating vision of Policies, Programs, Plans for the inclusion of neighborhoods and the city.  

November 23,  12:00pm CCS | 6:00pm BCN

Conclusions 2022

March 1, 12:00pm CCS | 6:00pm BCN 

Session 5 A renewed urban management for the inclusion of neighbourhoods and the city.

March 29,  12:00pm CCS | 6:00pm BCN

Session 6 Alternatives for urban transformation and reversing the stigma of poverty.

April 12,  12:00pm CCS | 6:00pm BCN

Session 7 Mobility and accessibility as a right of the new urbanity for the renewal of neighbourhood life.

April 26,  12:00pm CCS | 6:00pm BCN

Session 8 Participation as an engine of social empowerment for the transformation and development of neighbourhoods. 

May 10,  12:00pm CCS | 6:00pm BCN

Conclusions 2023


The Barcelona-Caracas dialogues will take place in a virtual format through a webinar zoom on the dates indicated, so prior registration will be required by mail:

In addition, the sessions will take place at the headquarters of the College of Architects of Catalonia in Barcelona (Historical Archive located on Carrer dels Arcs, 1-3, 4th floor, in the Manel de Solà Morales Archive room), from where the presentations that will take place in this city will be broadcast at the same time that those will take place in Caracas can be enjoyed. (Limited capacity and requieres prior registration!)