OUG CONGRESS. Territorios corresponsables: igualdad y espacio público

Nov 23, 2022

From 30th November to 2th December 2022

OUG CONGRESS. “Territorios corresponsables: igualdad y espacio público”

Call for the I Congress of the Observatory of Urban Planning with a Gender Perspective in Asturias (OUG), which will be held on November 30, December 1 and 2, 2022 in person and online.


You will find further information of the program and registration for the congress on the website:



The goal is to call for reflection on the space in which live and the forms od asymetric socialization that occur between women and men. One of the priorities is to highlight the importance of spatial planning from the co-responsability approach. With the holistic vision, it is intended to address different aspects that affect the shared space.  Thus, from the point of view of urbanism, architecture, sociology, economics, anthropology, public health, educational policies and the humanities, the backbones of the congress will revolve around some thematic axes.

Scientific Comittee: Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Carla Rodríguez González, Andrea González Martínez, Emilia Mª Durán Almarza, Marian Moreno Llaneza, Mario Juan Margolles Martins, Ramón del Riego García-Arguelles, María Pellón Revuelta, Mª Ángeles Durán de las Heras, José Parra Martínez, Inés Novella Abril, Teresa Boccia, Silvia Blanco Agüeira, Koldo Telleria Andueza, Mª del Mar García Calvente and Zaida Muxí Martínez.