CONGRESS. Masia i Territori

Feb 17, 2023

March 2024, Institut d´Estudis Catalans

CONGRESS Farmhouse and Territory. "The complexity of the new challenges. The opportunity of new systems".

Call for the III Congress of the World of the Farmhouse, to be held in March 2024 in person and online.

 You will find all the information and news about the programme and registration on the website:



Today we are in a process of change of historical stage that leads us to new situations. Situations that affect us and of which we do not know exactly the reasons for them or their consequences. These are complex situations that open the way to new systems of production and life.

In the two previous congresses we generated a debate between people and institutions about the rural world, the farmhouse and the territory. In this third edition we want to update the debate with new challenges and opportunities that have arisen in recent years. We also want to advance in the knowledge of new systems that affect production (circular economy), agricultural, livestock and forestry commercialisation thanks to the incorporation of new technologies, as well as changes in the organisation of work and family organisation, housing, values and ways of life. Generational changes, with a more present and active incorporation of women and varied population forms, open up new models and farmhouses appear as an option for new housing models. The change can go towards shared spaces for teleworking, coworking and coliving.

Since industrialisation, the transfer of population from the rural world to the city has been constant and of great magnitude. But in recent years there are signs that the process is slowing down. Technological innovations are opening up new opportunities in low-density areas that affect all productive sectors and especially the service sector, which can offer the possibility of greater proximity to the customer. The options for education and information systems have expanded with the internet and networks. And we will also look at the search for alternative energy sources. Climate change accelerates decisions. All these elements and many others are part of the programme we are preparing for this III Congress on farmhouse and territory.

We look forward to seeing you all!