BOOK PRESENTATION. ATTABA. Vibrant Hubscape in Central Cairo

Feb 01, 2023

02.07.2023 7.00 p.m, La Capell


On February 7 at 7.00 p.m at  La Capell (plaza Nova, 5) will take place the presentation of the book  "Attaba. Vibrant Hubscape in Central Cairo"


Sandra Bestraten, President of the  Demarcation of Barcelona COAC
Pedro Azara, Professor of Aesthetics  ETSAB
Ferran Ventura, Editor- Urban Collectors
Carles Crosas, Co-author and Professor of Urban Planning ETSAB


They will intervene from row zero: Marta Bayona, Tonet Font, Sebastià Jornet,Aurora López, Miquel Martí and Jorge Perea , Architects and Professors of Urban Planning ETSAB


+ More information

* Free entry until compleat seats.


You can also follow the presentation on TVCapell, through  the YouTube channel. The act will be recorded and broadcast by TVCapell. If anyone disagrees, please let us know.


While the pandemic has awaken the ghosts of urban density, this book describes the fascinating over lapping and urban prospective of the most important urban hub in the middle of one of the planet´s great megalopolises. The key urban episodes  of the formidable history of Attaba and Opera squares and Azbakeya Park are unveiled to compose a narrative of its transformation and look at its prospective through a multifaceted approach to Central Cairo. How to understand adaptive reuse, activities transformation, public space, mobility, ecology in such a scene?"

 Edited by Laboratory of Urbanism at Barcelona School of Architecture, the book is the result of an academic collaboration with Nile University in Cairo under the European founded Program  IMPAQT.